19 November 2009

ATTN: Mac Users

Part of my work at UNB is to record something called Mac Therapy. Now don't be fooled by the name, we don't break down into tears about how our Macs have changed our lives. It's actually a one hour, informal gathering given to inform, support and educate Mac users about their Macintosh computers and the software they use.

The meetings take place every second Friday in Marshal D'Avray Hall, room 237, in the CPIT computer lab. Topics vary from new and useful software to the latest hardware and OS updates.

The meetings are taped and put online every time we meet, and you can even find archived sessions online at http://www.unb.ca/mac. So if you miss a class, or are in another province, check this link out and see what you can find!

The fine camera work, and snazzy transitions are all done my yours truly, so sit back, flip open your MacBook Pro and enjoy. This week's topic is GroupWise, which is a browser supported calendaring/collaboration software that is widely used by UNB clients.

Past subjects include Apple Script coding (which is the easiest code I've ever seen), an introduction to the new Snow Leopard OS, Mac accessibility features, and much more. Check out the website and see for yourself!

18 November 2009

Word of Mouth

There has been a lot of talk lately on the CRTC hearings about TV taxes coming out of tax-payers pockets that are being improperly spent. The tax dollars are supposed to go to stations to help fund Canadian content on cable TV. However, over the decades we've been flooded with American programming. Now Canada is speaking up. We want to have more Canadian content on our cable TV - especially if we're footing the bill for the privilege . Click here to find out how!

- Or check out http://www.stopthetvtax.ca/

Here's another sweet compilation skate video I stumbled across on YouTube

17 November 2009

Pink Panther Video

Here's an old video of a rail that was at the park this summer!

Here's another video from Powell and Peralta, Josh Hawkins part in FUN!

14 November 2009

YouTube is just great!

So, I came across a video on YouTube of a local kid skateboarding around Fredericton. I'm posting the video underneath, but what is interesting with this video is that the woman in the purple coat watching him is actually my mother! I've never seen anyone I knew in the background of a YouTube video before without having some sort of relationship with the filmer, poster, or subjects, so I thought this was pretty cool!

10 November 2009

Oromocto Skate Park Commercials - Commercial One

I've decided it's time to chronicle all of the videos made at the skate park this summer.

These videos were put together with tons of help from a lot of the kids at the park, but some names that come to mind, and many thanks to them;

Mat Hinchey
Mat Dana
Kyle Albright
Tj Leighton, and so many more..

Here's Commercial One from the Oromocto Skate Park from Summer, 2009.

09 November 2009

No Holds Barred 8 - A Shawn Graham Affair

Is the NB Power deal with Hydro Quebec following the same trend as Swine Flu, or worse, Bird flu? All this talk about the proposed deal has struggled hard and successfully to get air time during the swine break out. But just how much is this coverage helping the situation?

The initial explanation of the deal from Shawn Graham caught a lot of people off guard since it seemed to come out so abruptly. The surprise got everyone talking, but it seemed what Graham said was enough to please most; No NB Power debt, price cuts for residents and industry, Point Lepreau’s massive bill won’t come out of tax-payers’ pockets - Does it get any better?

Well actually, it gets worse. The details released by the Liberal government don’t truly explain the entire situation. After being read in its entirety by opposition leader, David Alward, and New Brunswick Auditor General Mike Ferguson, among others, it was found that Shawn Graham pulled the information from the deal that showed the deal as a golden ticket to New Brunswickers, and left out just a few (several) minor (major) details...

While the Liberals were up front about the closure of the Dalhousie plant in northern New Brunswick that will see this already crippled town put on life support, Graham forgot to explain that the fine print about the rates for residential customers over the next 5 years, failing to inform New Brunswickers that the price will stay the same if and only if New Brunswicks population does not grow, or if Hydro Quebec feels it necessary to upgrade existing facilities. This one’s a big one because if price rates for industry go down and we see companies coming to New Brunswick, then the population is going to grow, and presumably, so will our rates. Secondly, if Hydro Quebec is in this deal to provide power to the energy hungry United States, then our facilities, including the Point Lepreau station which doesn’t work, and has no promise from NB Power to be completed, won’t be enough, and facilities will have to be built, or upgraded to meet the demand. All at a cost to us New Brunswickers.

This may seem like a rant about the NB Power deal, and it is, but we can’t overlook the secrecy and obvious connections that exist in this deal. Hydro-Quebec was the only player in this deal, a deal that came out just months before a planned meeting for Atlantic Premieres to come together to discuss how to share power among the struggling provinces. Let’s put it this way, New Brunswickers were left in the dark during the entirety of these talks, Hydro-Quebec and Irving Ltd seem to have laid out everything they wanted to have happen, and the deal reflects their desires. Would you sell your house after only talking to one person? Probably not, unless you live in Dalhousie, where you’d be lucky to sell it anyway. Especially now.
I leave you with some promises made on the campaign trail from Liberal leader Shawn Graham. See for yourself if he is keeping his promises.

"Establish New Brunswick as the region’s energy hub, a leader in energy efficiency and a world-class producer of goods and services for the global energy sector."
"Ensure that public engagement is meaningful, effective, collaborative and sustainable so that citizens can be active participants in governance."

Form an Energy Team to develop an investment strategy that will position New Brunswick as the energy powerhouse for the 21st century.
– (This team must have been Irving and Hydro-Quebec.)

“New Brunswickers must be active participants in the self-sufficiency process.To ensure the success of the efforts that will follow this transformative change, government’s relations with citizens will be transformed. Our objective is to engage New Brunswickers in a long-term dialogue that will make them active participants in working toward self-sufficiency. Through the work of its advisor on public engagement.”

From Shawn Grahams: "Our Action Plan to be Self-Sufficient in New Brunswick"

08 November 2009

Behance Network - My Portfolio

I came across this website called the Behance Network. It's one of a couple of design websites that Behance runs. The Behance Network is basically a network of artists putting their recent work online into portfolios and having it critiqued and commented on by their peers.

Think DeviantArt only easier to customize.

I've got a lot of my completed work on there and it just keeps growing. It's a lot easier to look through projects than a blog, so I've decided to put a link to it under the Friends tab so you can take a look at it any time!

So yeah, check it out:

Tomorrow! NO HOLDS BARRED 8 will be released! Stay tuned!

07 November 2009

Book Release!

Long time no post, I know. I have been pretty side tracked of late.

Last night I was in Saint John for William Forrestall's exhibit opening at the New Brunswick Museum, where a book I designed for the show was released. It weighs in around 137 pages, and has essays, interviews, paintings, and sketches by and about the artist, William. Here's a full Cover shot.

You can pick a copy up at the New Brunswick Museum in Saint John, or contact me about getting one if you can't make it there!