01 February 2010

Link Dump 2wo

Link Dump 2wo. It has some helpful links and some crazy links. I will be posting more tomorrow.. Err maybe the next day. In the mean time, ENJOY!

All I can say is:


Here's dos linkage:


This is the Tough Guy Competition that takes place every year in the UK. It involves racing across 8 miles of barbed wire, fire, and even sees competitors swimming through tunnels in ice water. Thousands of people come out to this event to raise money for charity. There's a compilation video at the end of the page that is pretty interesting too.

Here's dos linkage:


There's been a lot of talk about the newly released iPad, mostly about how it runs on the iPhone operating system and has about the same functionality, but here's an article about the sizes of all of these tech-gadgets on the market.

-If you bought one, that site also has a ton of top 10 apps for it, and subsequently, the iPhone.

Dos Linkage:




Hilarious Price is Right outtake!


Serious Skating

Here is a skate clip of Wieger Van Wageningen in Amsterdam