28 January 2010

Rodney's Bi-Daily Link Dump - Number 1ne

So welcome to the first ever Link Dump. I have been spending too much time surfing the internet and drinking coffee instead of updating my blog. Since I generally have a lot to say, it strikes me as odd that I haven't remembered to write any of it down for the blog.

Either way, in a vain effort to entertain people and also to share the funny things I find with everybody instead of sending out numerous emails and private messages a day with no subject line, and a link to a funny cat picture I found; I have decided to introduce Rodney's Link Dump!! The title says bi-daily, but I will deny having ever said that, so moving on. Here are a couple of funny things I came across today:


This was a fun find. While I agree that these are a great start, I feel that maybe they should introduce a new figurine: Disapproving Grandmother when she Finds out that Baggy isn't Filled with Spices for Dinner.

Here's dos linkage:


Here is a great group of photos. The title of the page is called 'Captured at the Right Moment' yet I feel like I might have called it 8 or 10 Sweet pictures Among 40 or 50 Alright and Awkward Pictures.

Dos Linkage:



Animals vs Dominos.

Yep, that pretty much sums it up. Hilarious ending!


Burj Dubai Base Jump

You may have seen the Fazza Air one where their base jump was sanctioned, but this one is legit and really intense!

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