30 October 2009


Hello all. I have been very sick with a terrible head cold for the past week. I have been spending most of my time laying in bed and the rest complaining.

As a result, I have not been updating, and for that, I apologize. Here are some PANOs I shot to make up for it:

UNB Indoor Soccer Field, Winter 2008

Paint Room in memorial Hall, UNB, 2008

Dingey Entrance to the Indoor Soccer Field, Winter 2008

CPIT Mac Lab (Where I work)

I'll upload the interactive mov files when I get a chance. Stay tuned for some outdoor Panos and maybe even some from this fall with the lovely colors.

26 October 2009

Hincher on MySpace / My Rap Debut

Hey everyone. Something a lot of people would never guess about me is that I really enjoy song writing. I've been singing in a metal band for about two years now, it's been on and off, but things are looking up for it.

However, my buddy Mat Hinchey has been rapping for almost 4 years, and is finally coming into his own. He's been kind enough to trust my inexperienced self on his latest track "Keep Spittin' It" -- Check it out:

It was a good time, but I've got a lot of respect for rappers being able to sound legit when they record, it's a whole different ball game from freestyling over some kids beatboxing.

Make sure to take some time and listen through the rest of his tracks, I have to say "Who Can You Trust" and "We in the 4 O's" have been in my head for a couple days now!

25 October 2009

Summer '09 Footage ONLINE!

Hey everyone. Here's a little treat!

I figured why hord all of this footage of everyone when I'm sure they'd love to have it to make their own videos!

I've taken the time to seperate everyone's footage from every movie this summer -- So if you had any footage from any video this summer -- It's online.

There is even some clips that haven't been featured in a video (and will more than likely pop up in the Extras video), so enjoy!

Here we go (In alphabetical order):

-- Ali Sedaghat
-- Anthony MacDonald
-- Derek Carrier
-- Hal London
-- Josh Palmer
-- Justin Martin
-- Mat Dana
-- Mat Hinchey
-- Mat Martin
-- Pat Savageau
-- Ronnie Battist
-- Steele London
-- TJ Leighton

Now I'm going to be straight up with everyone and say I didn't look through all of this footage before uploading it. If the title of the clip had your name in it, it went in your folder. Sorry if there are any clips that aren't of you in your folder

If for some reason you can't play the clips, you may just need to download the codec for your computer so it can recognize the file type. I suggest the K-Lite codec pack, which you can download here.

Still to come: Austin Murray, Brandon Meehan, Kyle Albright, Moses, BK, and Dylan Riley

24 October 2009

The Year Ender Extras

There's tons of footage I have left over from The Year Ender -- It was pretty hard to keep it down to a run time of 8 minutes...

There are some funny clips, some hard falls, and a tape that hasn't been transferred yet, so if you were wondering "Where was my inward heel?" -- It's probably on that tape. And Kyle or myself will transfer it over asap.

Also, to everyone who had footage in the video, I will be uploading everyone's footage to the internet so you can download it! Talk about easy!

That said. Here's a little taste:

23 October 2009

Surgery 88

Thanks for everyone's support on the Year Ender. Kyle Albright and I got the chance to show it off to Oromocto Town Counsel last night to give them some insight to what goes on at the park, and they all enjoyed it very much.

For anyone looking for a nice podcast to listen to, you should hop on over to my buddy Eric Hill's Surgery Radio page. He just released his newest Podcast "Surgery 88"

Here's a link:

You can check out the Surgery Radio blog for past podcasts and other fun stuff by clicking below or on my Friends list;

21 October 2009

The Year Ender: A Summer in Review

The long anticipated Oromocto Skate Park Year Ender video is finally completed after over 70 hours of taping, transfer, and editing.

Without further ado, here it is:

Check out WhoIsFreddy.ca
and Kyle Albright's blog.
They've been kind enough to toss this video up. Take some time to check these guys' sites out. Feel free to spend hours surfing.

Many thanks.

19 October 2009

Ball Maze

Here's a Ball Maze I made for a final project in my Maya class:

18 October 2009

$1 Million a day

New Brunswick’s Finance Minister Greg Byrne came out last week with news that the projected debt for the province could be higher than the $740 Million already projected for 2009-2010. For those of you who have been reading the news, the past month has just been terrible for the provincial Liberals. There has been increasing pressure from official opposition party leader, David Alward of the Conservative Party along with a series of blunders on loan guarantees from the province to failing interests.

The Point Lepreau reactor has been getting a lot of coverage lately, because of the delays that have recently been announced, bumping the completion date for the project into February, at a cost of $1 Million a day to replace what could have been processed at the plant. Finally, there was an announcement last week explaining that because of the costs arising from the refurbishment delays, there will be a 2% hike in billing, placing the burden on to citizens of New Brunswick to pay for a private industry fail.

Moncton has been having issues with completion dates as well, while the town has been busy signing Russian superstar hockey players, and spending millions to bring CFL games to town, a move that Shawn Graham claims will more than break even, they have also been caught in the spending game when they approved the building of multi-million dollar conidium’s close to Royal Oaks Golf course and now the province is on the hook for $4.8 Million that Moncton has only paid a fraction back of.

All of this, accompanied by Bell-Aliant closing 11 call centers in the province, and the LNG disputes going on in Saint John, where New Brunswick trades workers are protesting Albertan trades people getting jobs the New Brunswickers are completely competent to do themselves, in an ironic twist of the early 2000’s that had thousands of New Brunswickers heading westward for work has conservative leader David Alward speaking up.

Alward has been more and more vocal of late and has been making some big promises. I don’t want to make it seem like it’s a two party contest, but I haven’t heard boo from other parties on any of these hot topics. What I do know is this; with Shawn Graham adding almost $2 Billion to the New Brunswick deficit on his path to bringing New Brunswick to self-sufficiency, it’s not going to take much more than a couple open ended promises to beat him.

15 October 2009

Phamily Photos are Phun!

So the long weekend was like three years ago but I hope everyone enjoyed their extra day off. I have been pretty swamped with homework and actual work so I haven't been able to update for my vast amounts of readers (Thanks Mom! -- Wait does she even have the Internet?) -- Moving on, this next week will be one filled with tons of working pieces getting completed, so there should be an onslaught of finished products.

It's also going to be an interesting week in politics with the Loony almost at par with the US Greenback, the Cons flirting with 40% approval rates, and much more. So for those of you who follow my column in The Aquinian and saw that I didn't have a column this week, I apologize, but I will have one next week touching on everything I mentioned and taking a look at what a stronger dollar means for Canadians, especially New Brunswickans.

In the meantime, my first ever book that I designed is going to print tomorrow morning! It's an art gallery book made for the New Brunswick Museum for Fredericton's William Forrestall's art show.

Here's a glance at it:

08 October 2009

Oromocto Skate Park's Year Ender

I've been lucky to work at a skate park in Oromocto for the past couple summers. Strangely enough, this past sumer was the first time I got to making videos.

I've been working through the miles of tape filled with footy and putting together The Year Ender: A Summer in Review. It should be done in the next two weeks. I'll be posting the a little teaser for it soon! Here's a taste:


06 October 2009

A Sunday Push

I recently finished a school project that required me to make a moving multimedia piece based on my influences from a piece of Jazz music and a painting.

The painting I chose was Marcel Duchamp's Nude Descending Staircase No. 2. The painting is a cubist/futurist piece of a woman descending a staircase and essentially houses multiple frames on one canvas. As you can tell, it's a rather monochromatic piece, so I decided to make my piece as colorful as possible.

The Jazz piece I used was performed by Eric Lewis at TEDTalks in March, 2009 and can be viewed here. His originality during his cover of Going Under - Evenescance was unique to say the least, but perked my interest in his choice of music to play at such a presigious event as TEDTalks. After finding out about his past, combined with the story I got from his performance, I decided to make a care-free skateboard video.

Here it is:

Thanks to Kyle Albright for helping out. You can check out Kyles blog at http://timetoburnagain.blogspot.com

05 October 2009

We, the Interviewed

I recently had the chance to sit down with Jai Sadler and Andy Stevens from We, The Undersigned to talk about their new full length album coming out, Bleed the Constants, put out by East Coast record label, Diminished 5th Records.

Check the interview out and find out about the band's early days in Sussex, NB, their thoughts on calling the East Coast home, and where they're headed in November.

The CD release party for Bleed the Constants is Monday, October 12th, at the Capital in Fredericton, NB alongside Endast, Ninja Spy, and What's He Building in There? - The show starts at 9 pm. It's $7 at the door, or $15 for entrance and a copy of the CD.

They've got the entire Bleed the Constants CD up now on their MySpace, so check them out and pre-order their CD online! -- http://myspace.com/wtu

The album will be available in every CD store across Canada and Europe, as well as iTunes, CDBaby, and every other popular music-buying website.

Pre-Order NOW!

03 October 2009

Stimulate This

While I know this isn't my opinion promised in my No Holds Barred column about the stimulus report announced by Harper in Saint John earlier this week, but this is also very important.

This is Jeremy McLaughlin playing his very catchy tune called Meth AM in a bee carcass infested basement. Try your best to not hit replay at the end.. You won't be able to.

Oh, and the stimulus announcement had the spin I assumed they would put on it, and the Liberals acted the way I assumed they would, and the NDP are still voting to support the Cons so that money can get to people on EI.